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krayon hitam

nadya pandora (@nadeeeyu)

krayon hitam - collage 1.jpeg
krayon hitam - collage 2.jpeg

This collage holds a vivid memory of me realizing what daydreaming is. I was at my classroom for an after-school activity, art and craft class. I remembered drawing the classic two mountains, a sunny side up in the middle of them, and the stick-styled birds flying in the sky. For a whole two hours, me and some of my friends tried our best to make ours look the coolest it can be. Best student of the day always got a sticker pack (glittery keroppi that day) at the end of the class. Who hates freebies and cute stickers anyway. Some of us (me and "si teman" happen to be one of them) worked hard on the drawing. Some were only there to play. While some were super chill and just enjoying their stress-free time. Think it was a typical fun day for a middle-schooler.


"Si teman" is really talented in visualizing things. So it came to no one's surprise that she is really good at making this classic drawing look better than most of the others'. At the end of the class, "si teman" decided to outline her drawing one more time. But somehow, she also decided to do it with a black crayon. Which led to her regretting the decision almost immediately. She hated it the moment she saw how the birds looked thicker than most of the other elements. I could see it in her face, and knew her so well. And there I met a side of her I had never seen before. She looked -I believe how she felt too- so mad at herself for doing that final touch.


Time to go home and neither one of us got the kerropi sticker. Well, we both know she was going to until that happened. My father always picked me late so I stayed at the class alone, unaware of the existence of electricity bills and climate change trying to stay cool with the AC on. And the second collage is what I remember I was thinking about for some hot minutes before I was picked up.

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